Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Been a little bit since my last post....

Well work has gotten very busy since I got transferred into a new department so I haven't had as much free time to post....

Anyways, let's play catch up here.

A couple weekends ago, I surprised Chris......well, I tried to surprise him, but he says I'm no good at surprises and he had already figured it out LOL.......oh well......I tried. He had never been horseback riding before and had mentioned wanting to try it out. So we hopped in the car and drove about an hour to a ranch up north. We had a very good time. Chris is a natural with animals and wasn't at all nervous around these huge horses. He cracked me up when they let us run on the horses on the trails and he pretended to be a cowboy......I think I'll always have that image in my head LOL. Here's some pictures from our horseback riding adventure:





August 5th would have been my sister, Kellie's, 30th birthday.....wow.....I still can't believe she's gone. I would have been teasing her for getting old and hitting the big 3-0. I cried through most of that day. I feel robbed. I should have been making plans to go out and celebrate with her.......instead I miss her more and feel so alone without her. Happy Birthday Kellie......I hope you had a wonderful day....and I get a little bit of comfort knowing you got to spend your birthday with Mom again. She used to cry on your birthday every year......now she's hugging you. I miss you both so much. The tears just never seem to end......

This is a picture of Kellie and I on her last birthday........can't believe this was 3 years ago....



Let's see.......what else is new........our "puppy" Atreyu just turned one year old on August 8th. I can't believe how time flies. I feel like it was just yesterday that my mom and I went to pick him up from the breeder and he rode home snuggled into her neck the whole 2 hour ride back. He was sooo tiny.....not so much anymore!




And this is him now, on his birthday:

He got a new Tough Dog Collar to match his big sister Kaybie's



And I took him to Petsmart to pick out his own new toy for his birthday present. He got a Kong Wubba and he LOVES it!



Well I think that's a long enough post for now and I have to get back to work....lunch is over.