Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The fog lifts....

Ever have one of those days that you suddenly see things a bit more clear?....for no real reason. There are a lot of days that I feel like I'm living in a fog......I know everything is there, but it's hard to make out the details clearly. And for some reason, today, the fog has lifted. I see things with such clarity....down to the smallest detail. I wish words could describe it....but they seem to fail me. The love I have for this life is beyond words. It brings me to tears and knocks me to me knees. I am so blessed. The love of my life actually loves me as much I love him. I never in a million years would have thought I'd find him in this huge world.....and yet somehow, there he sits, on our couch.....just wanting to spend his life with me. Just little ol' me. What would I do without him?....that is a question I prefer not to even think about. I've loved and I've lost.......too much........but I'm beyond a level of grateful that the world will ever understand.....I'm grateful that I experienced the love from the world's most perfect mother and sister.....even though I lost them. In fact, I try to see it as that I didn't actually lose them........they are just waiting for me in a better place......and I WILL SEE THEM AGAIN SOMEDAY.....and that alone keeps me going.....keeps me putting one foot in front of the other every single day. This world is so full of pure beauty that sometimes it just overwhelms me. The simple falling of the snow, and then the change of the seasons........it all works just like God planned.....in His perfection. Watching my puppy's and kitty's grow from babies into adults......it's heartbreaking, because once again, I know that I will love and lose.......but again, it's all part of His plan. And it just means a greater welcoming committee when I see them all again someday. I have been blessed with a father that no one will ever understand.....a relationship between a father and daughter that is only for him and I to know. A bond that nothing and no one will ever break apart. A bond so strong that only we know how to truly deeply appreciate every waking minute we have together. A bond that is sometimes unspoken......a love so deep that words wouldn't do it justice. As I explore my emotions through tears, I smile. I know how good my life is. I know. Even though there are days that I don't appreciate the beauty in my world......it's always in me, sometimes just buried beneath the surface......and I thank God for days where the fog is lifted......