Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fun but emotional evening

Well it's the first time I've ever helped decorate for Christmas at my mom's house without her. I picked up Larenz and Shakiya and we helped my dad decorate the house. Him and I both had quite a few emotional breakdowns and just stood there staring at the tangled Christmas tree lights crying. I'm glad we chose to decorate though becuase I know it would make my mom happy. She loved decorating the house for Christmas....she always made it so beautiful. I think we did a pretty good job but no where near how nice it looked when she did it. I try to pay attention to the little "signs" that I think are her way of letting us know she's still with us. We have the same bag of ornaments for the tree that we've had since I was a child. Well as my dad handed the kids ornaments to put on the tree, he pulls out a small angel that neither of us have ever seen before. Just a simple little angel and printed on the angel's skirt it says, "Cindy" Mom's name. I burst into tears. We have no idea where this ornament came from......neither of us have ever seen it before. That just can't be a coincidence......had to be my mom's way of letting us know she was with us tonight. I hung it at the very top right next to an ornament that my aunt made in rememberance of my sister Kellie. It will be my mom and sister's first Christmas together in 3 years......and for that I'm thankful. Christmas will be very different this year, but I hope we can create new memories to help get us through these emotionally draining times. I miss you mom........I miss you Kellie.......Merry Christmas.

And a Merry Christmas from Kaybie, Bruno, and Atreyu.


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