Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Well today started out hard enough with it being Mother's Day and me missing my mom like no words can describe. And then it got worse when my dad called and told me Alex had fallen and we think she may have had a stroke. She would only look to the left, lost her ability to walk for periods of time, seemingly lost her hearing completely and also her sight....overall, the spark just disappeared from her. My vet referred me to a lady that does house calls and she came out and put Alex to sleep right in my dad's living room where she was most comfortable and not afraid. I held her the entire time.....I'm a walking disaster and so is my dad. The silence in his house is deafening. She was such a great doggy for 15.5 years.....run free sweet Alex, you were my first doggy....and the best doggy any girl could have asked for growing up. Go be with Mom and Kellie again....I'm sure they've missed you and are ever so glad to see you again. Bye Alex....I miss you and love you so much....




My final moments with my baby girl.....I miss you Alex....run free at the bridge....I'm sure Mom and Kellie were there to meet you.


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