Thursday, July 10, 2008

A little sign from Kellie

About a year or so ago, I opened a package here at work and it was full of ordinary green and white packing peanuts.....except, sitting right on top, was a single pink one. My sister Kellie died from breast cancer and throughout the time since she's passed, she's sent me little messages like this to let me know she's still with me. Well, just yesterday, I was telling a friend of mine how I haven't gotten any signs from her in a long time and how it really bummed me out. And then today, I get another package at work, and I open it, and right there on top of all the green and white packing peanuts.....a single pink one again. My eyes filled with tears and I just muttered, "Hi Kel". Those little signs keep me knowing she's still with me everyday. I miss her.

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