Monday, July 14, 2008

Wonderful Weekend!

I had such a good weekend! Chris's brother, Macky, and his girlfriend, Heather, came up on Saturday and we all hung out and had a great time. BBQ on the grill, drank (a bit more than we should have LOL) and played board games until 4AM!!!! Chris and I kicked their butts at Taboo! LOL! We're ready for a rematch anytime! I really love having them over. I feel like we are already a family together. Heather is becoming a really good friend to me and I'm very greatful to have her in my life. I've always said that I wish I had more girlfriends to spend time with and now I've found a great one that I have a lot in common with and enjoy hanging out with and just chatting together. I wish they didn't live so far away or else we'd all probably be together everyday....and we'd all be about 50 pounds heavier as all we seem to do it eat!!! LOL! Watching Chris and his brother together is like seeing two of the same people in different bodies....they crack me up when they are together. It's nice to see the bond they have as brothers and I'm honored that they share that with me. Hopefully someday I will have the honor of calling Macky my brother-in-law.

Here's a picture of the four of us together from a couple weeks ago.


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