Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fun but emotional evening

Well it's the first time I've ever helped decorate for Christmas at my mom's house without her. I picked up Larenz and Shakiya and we helped my dad decorate the house. Him and I both had quite a few emotional breakdowns and just stood there staring at the tangled Christmas tree lights crying. I'm glad we chose to decorate though becuase I know it would make my mom happy. She loved decorating the house for Christmas....she always made it so beautiful. I think we did a pretty good job but no where near how nice it looked when she did it. I try to pay attention to the little "signs" that I think are her way of letting us know she's still with us. We have the same bag of ornaments for the tree that we've had since I was a child. Well as my dad handed the kids ornaments to put on the tree, he pulls out a small angel that neither of us have ever seen before. Just a simple little angel and printed on the angel's skirt it says, "Cindy" Mom's name. I burst into tears. We have no idea where this ornament came from......neither of us have ever seen it before. That just can't be a coincidence......had to be my mom's way of letting us know she was with us tonight. I hung it at the very top right next to an ornament that my aunt made in rememberance of my sister Kellie. It will be my mom and sister's first Christmas together in 3 years......and for that I'm thankful. Christmas will be very different this year, but I hope we can create new memories to help get us through these emotionally draining times. I miss you mom........I miss you Kellie.......Merry Christmas.

And a Merry Christmas from Kaybie, Bruno, and Atreyu.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Long time, no posts

Well I'm going to try to get back in the swing of things again with posting more regularly. Summer has come and gone, and now there's several inches of that yucky white stuff on the ground. I HATE winter. Chris and I have plans to move to California before next winter so I'm hoping this will be the last winter I see for a while (besides coming back to visit)! So what's been going on since last time I posted. Well, my job that I was at for 4 years is no longer.....the company is doing terrible and did another massive layoff and I got cut in this last round. So now the job search is on. I'm sure something will work out and I'm applying everywhere. I've even started applying out in California and will work out the details if something out there works out. Otherwise, not much is new. All the doggies and kitties and Chris and I are doing great.....oh!....just realized that I haven't introduced our newest addition! I was driving home during the summer and running full speed through a very busy intersection, runs this beautiful little the Grace of God, he didn't get hit, but he was headed full speed towards one of the busiest streets in town......there was no way he would have made it if he got on that I drove up next to him and eventually got him to come to me.......he was scared but very friendly. After having no success finding his owners, we took him to our vet and he was a mess......he was flea infested, worm infested, fly bites on his ears, and was a good 10 pounds underweight. Well we got his medical stuff all cleared up and in the mean time, we fell in love. He got along great with Kaybie and Atreyu, so we decided to welcome him into our home. Introducing our pitbull mix, Bruno.......he's around a year old.




We had a very good Thanksgiving and went to Chris's Grandparent's house to celebrate together. I got to meet his sister for the first time and that went better than I could have hoped for.....I really like her. It was just a really good time hanging out with family. It was different this year being the first Thanksgiving without my mom......but I was glad to keep my mind occupied so I didn't sit around crying all day. I sure did miss helping her get the food ready to take to Thanksgiving. I used to help her do the mashed and sweet potatoes while she was upstairs stressed out trying to finish her makeup while we were all running late. Those little memories sure do just set you over the edge. I am Thankful that Kellie won't be spending any more holidays without my mom as it use to make me feel very guilty that we were celebrating holidays together while she was alone in the fact that they are back together gives me some peace. Anyways, what else has happened. Last weekend, Chris made me one heck of a proud girlfriend.....he graduated college. I don't think he'll really ever understand just how proud of him I truly am. It was an honor to walk in his shadow that day. If you're reading this, I'm utterly proud of you baby. Now it's on to bigger and better things for the both of us!
Christmas is coming up in a matter of weeks and I'm no where near ready for it. My mind is torn becuase I'm excited to wake up Christmas morning with Chris for the first time in our own home and start our own Christmas traditions, but I'm so sad to spend my first Christmas without my mom. She loved Christmas. She loved watching us open gifts and going shopping together. She spoiled me rotten and still bought me gifts like I was 5 years old. It's not the gifts I will miss this year, it's just her.....I can't type this without crying my eyes out. I wonder if any holidays will ever feel like they are supposed to ever again? Chris and I are going to put our tree and decorations up tomorrow and I'm hoping that will help to get me more in the holiday spirit. I'm going to go help my dad put up his tree this was always something him and my mom did together and I know we are just going to stand there in the living room and bawl like big babies together.....but together, we will get through this.....somehow.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Been a little bit since my last post....

Well work has gotten very busy since I got transferred into a new department so I haven't had as much free time to post....

Anyways, let's play catch up here.

A couple weekends ago, I surprised Chris......well, I tried to surprise him, but he says I'm no good at surprises and he had already figured it out LOL.......oh well......I tried. He had never been horseback riding before and had mentioned wanting to try it out. So we hopped in the car and drove about an hour to a ranch up north. We had a very good time. Chris is a natural with animals and wasn't at all nervous around these huge horses. He cracked me up when they let us run on the horses on the trails and he pretended to be a cowboy......I think I'll always have that image in my head LOL. Here's some pictures from our horseback riding adventure:





August 5th would have been my sister, Kellie's, 30th still can't believe she's gone. I would have been teasing her for getting old and hitting the big 3-0. I cried through most of that day. I feel robbed. I should have been making plans to go out and celebrate with her.......instead I miss her more and feel so alone without her. Happy Birthday Kellie......I hope you had a wonderful day....and I get a little bit of comfort knowing you got to spend your birthday with Mom again. She used to cry on your birthday every she's hugging you. I miss you both so much. The tears just never seem to end......

This is a picture of Kellie and I on her last birthday........can't believe this was 3 years ago....



Let's see.......what else is new........our "puppy" Atreyu just turned one year old on August 8th. I can't believe how time flies. I feel like it was just yesterday that my mom and I went to pick him up from the breeder and he rode home snuggled into her neck the whole 2 hour ride back. He was sooo tiny.....not so much anymore!




And this is him now, on his birthday:

He got a new Tough Dog Collar to match his big sister Kaybie's



And I took him to Petsmart to pick out his own new toy for his birthday present. He got a Kong Wubba and he LOVES it!



Well I think that's a long enough post for now and I have to get back to work....lunch is over.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Our day at the beach

Chris and I packed the dogs in the car on Sunday and drove to the beach. We intended on going to the doggy beach but couldn't find parking anywhere near the place so we just parked and walked the dogs on the boardwalk for a while. Then we found a small beachy area so we let them run around there and chase us for a while. They had sooo much fun! We all did. It was a nice Sunday to just spend the day together with no computers/phones/etc. Just us and our babies.

Chris & the dogs Grand Haven 7-27-08

Chris & the dogs Grand Haven 7-27-08

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just a plain old Tuesday

It's just a plain old "why did I get out of bed" Tuesday. I overslept so that never starts the day out very good! I woke up and saw the clock and yelled "SHIT!!!" as I saw that I was at least a half hour late already! I woke Chris up when I yelled too....ooops.....sorry honey....go back to sleep. ;) Well let's see, we had a pretty good weekend. Friday we didn't do too much. Saturday,we went out for dinner and then went to the comedy club downtown in the evening and had a good time just getting out for some laughs. Then went home and stayed up chatting and playing on the computer in bed until around 4am. I woke up and the TV was still on but Chris was knocked out so apparently he crashed out sometime shortly after I did! Then Sunday I went to a Meet & Greet for the Boxer Rescue that I volunteer for and I took Atreyu with me. He was sooo well behaved and made me a very proud mommy. :) Afterwards, I headed home and watched Chris chase Larenz around the yard while they were soaking each other with the hose and throwing glasses of water on each other LMAO. They were both drenched by the time it was over LOL.....should have gotten it on video. Then after my dad and Larenz left, Chris and I made dinner and he was about to get ready for work but I told him I didn't want him to he called in a favor and we started a movie. :) Always a happy night when my honey is home!

So I think I should introduce Chris and I's "kids" now since I've talked about them without any pictures.

This is our little family: Kaybie (boxer 2.5 years old) is the one with a black face; Atreyu (boxer 11 months old) is the one with the white stripe on his face and on his legs/neck; Gina is the calico kitty (4 years old) on the bottom right; and Onyx is the black kitty (2 years old) on the bottom left.

The Pack

The babies all pretend to love me, but in all honesty, Daddy is their favorite person on the planet

Kaybie being a Daddy's girl


And Daddy's boy


And Gina with her daddy

Onyx hates the whole world so we'll probably never have a picture of her with her daddy LOL

So that's our loving little family. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Newest member of the "family"

Awwww......Welcome to the family Mila (Mee-la)!!!! Chris's brother Macky and his girlfriend Heather are taking this little cutie home today.......but in the meantime, I get to snuggle her until they come to pick her up. Welcome home Mila!


Monday, July 14, 2008

Wonderful Weekend!

I had such a good weekend! Chris's brother, Macky, and his girlfriend, Heather, came up on Saturday and we all hung out and had a great time. BBQ on the grill, drank (a bit more than we should have LOL) and played board games until 4AM!!!! Chris and I kicked their butts at Taboo! LOL! We're ready for a rematch anytime! I really love having them over. I feel like we are already a family together. Heather is becoming a really good friend to me and I'm very greatful to have her in my life. I've always said that I wish I had more girlfriends to spend time with and now I've found a great one that I have a lot in common with and enjoy hanging out with and just chatting together. I wish they didn't live so far away or else we'd all probably be together everyday....and we'd all be about 50 pounds heavier as all we seem to do it eat!!! LOL! Watching Chris and his brother together is like seeing two of the same people in different bodies....they crack me up when they are together. It's nice to see the bond they have as brothers and I'm honored that they share that with me. Hopefully someday I will have the honor of calling Macky my brother-in-law.

Here's a picture of the four of us together from a couple weeks ago.


Friday, July 11, 2008

I miss him when he's gone

Chris left for's Friday night......and I miss him. I could be with him every minute of everyday, and yet, it's still not enough.......I still miss him. I feel like my other half is missing when he's not next to me. I never knew what being in love was like before Chris came into my life. I feel safe in a way that I can't put into words when he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. I thank God for him everyday. He's my best friend. Thank you for just being who you are make me a better person.


It's finally Friday!!!!

Man this week seems like it just dragged on and on. Probably because I had last week off.....makes this week go soooo slow. No big plans this weekend but hanging out with my honey, Chris. I feel so blessed to wake up next to him every morning and come home to him each day. He truly lights up my life in a way I never thought possible. Even his wonderful family has welcomed me. I feel so blessed. He's my best friend. And he's always fun to beat in Scrabble!


Thursday, July 10, 2008

A little sign from Kellie

About a year or so ago, I opened a package here at work and it was full of ordinary green and white packing peanuts.....except, sitting right on top, was a single pink one. My sister Kellie died from breast cancer and throughout the time since she's passed, she's sent me little messages like this to let me know she's still with me. Well, just yesterday, I was telling a friend of mine how I haven't gotten any signs from her in a long time and how it really bummed me out. And then today, I get another package at work, and I open it, and right there on top of all the green and white packing peanuts.....a single pink one again. My eyes filled with tears and I just muttered, "Hi Kel". Those little signs keep me knowing she's still with me everyday. I miss her.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Just a little about me......

Just a little about lil ol' me. I'm 27 years old and the mother of 4 wonderful fur-children....2 boxers and 2'll read A LOT about them as the blog grows....they are my favorite subject! I am happily in love with the man of my dreams....his name is Chris......every single day I wonder what I did to deserve a man as great as he is. As many others have also, I've been through a great deal in my 27 years. My life was "normal" and happy until almost 3 years ago (Oct 2005)...I lost my only sibling, my best friend, my sister Kellie. And then just a few months ago (Feb 2008), I lost my Mom too. I just wonder as I wander through this world....maybe someday my life will make sense again....someday....